Not All Presents Have to be Plastic

Throughout the summer, our weekends are packed with birthday parties, including those of the little Ps.

Our toddler’s first birthday is just around the corner, and our families have been asking what they can get her for the big day. I’m at a total loss – we don’t even know what to get her. Not only does she have boxes of hand-me-down toys from her sister and cousins, but I myself get the shakes every time I see the plastic avalanche in the closet ready to engulf us when we open the door. Barbie and Polly Pocket are packed in there like it’s ladies’ night at a martini bar. 

So I started asking around to see what other options might be good for our little one as she approaches the big 1 and to help other parents facing the same dilemma.

Give unto others

One of the greatest gifts you can give your child is the gift of compassion. Instead of drowning your child in toys and gifts, give him one or two and let him choose books, art supplies and DVDs he can donate to a children’s nonprofit. For example, Cardinal Glennon Children's Medical Center's Patient Wish List outlines some great donation ideas. Or select a foster child through the Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition’s Birthday Buddy program and ask your party guests to donate gifts to a child in need in honor of your son or daughter. Either way, your child can help brighten another kid’s day.

Open a 529

According to a report last year from The New York Times, attending college for four years will cost up to $500,000 by 2027. OK, that college is Harvard, but it’s still a terrifying thought, even when you look at a public state university.

By opening a 529 college savings plan, you help take the fear out of paying tuition. Not only does a 529 offer tax benefits, it’s easy to maintain and anyone can contribute to your child’s plan. Maybe to a 6-year-old, it doesn’t have all the bells and whistles of a Wii, but when your child heads into the working world with less student debt on her shoulders, she’ll appreciate it! For details on a 529, talk with your family’s financial advisor or visit the Web site for MOST, Missouri’s 529 College Savings Plan.

Get personal

Another option is to find a personalized gift from the heart that can last long into childhood, is affordable and takes up little space. For both of my girls (hope the 11-month-old’s not reading this – I want her to be surprised), I’ve purchased Swarovski crystal name bracelets from Necklets Jewelry.

Said owner and designer, Christie DeJean, via e-mail, “"Everyone loves a thoughtful gift. When you add in personalization, you take a useful gift and make it much more meaningful because it is unique to your recipient. Personalized keepsake jewelry can be worn for many years, and you will always be reminded of the occasion it celebrates."

Purchase a membership

St. Louis is bursting with fabulous attractions ideal for kids. Getting your child a membership is a gift that will give day after day without cluttering up your playroom. Memberships at the Saint Louis Zoo, for example, start at $50 and include different benefits, such as passes to the Emerson Children’s Zoo and free zoo events, depending on the membership level. Check out your child’s favorite hot spot to see what’s available.

Sign up for lessons

If your child has a passion, encourage your family and friends to embrace it. Instead of buying toys, allocate those funds to horseback riding lessons, soccer camps, art classes – whatever your child loves to do. Best of all, many facilities, such as the YMCA of Greater St. Louis, offer gift certificates so your child can pick and choose which activities he’d like to try. My sister-in-law, for example, purchased a gift certificate to Pottery Hollow in Glen Carbon for my 3-year-old so we could have a girls’ day out and create our own works of art. Yes, the pottery is now taking up space in her bedroom, but she is proud of her creation every time she looks at it.

Birthdays are a time to celebrate a milestone in a child’s life, but unfortunately the gifts can sometimes take the spotlight away from the true superstar. By balancing what a child wants with what a child needs, you can find the perfect present that can reward your little person for years to come.

By Nicole Plegge, Lifestyle Blogger for SmartParenting


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Metro East mom Nicole Plegge has written for STL Parent for more than 12 years. Besides working as a freelance writer & public relations specialist, and raising two daughters and a husband, Nicole's greatest achievements are finding her misplaced car keys each day and managing to leave the house in a stain-free shirt. Her biggest regret is never being accepted to the Eastland School for Girls. Follow Nicole on Twitter @STLWriterinIL 

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