The Big Trip Before Baby

The arrival of spring means planning for that big summer vacation. For many expectant parents, that trip may be their babymoon – their final shot at hitting the road before burp clothes and baby bottles. 

Like any vacation, the choices in babymoons are endless. While Mr. P and I spent ours at Cardinals spring training in Florida, other options abound, especially for those who wish to veg out. 

According to Stephanie Turner, president and CEO of Brentwood Travel, “I would recommend a relaxing trip – perhaps to a resort or spa. Staying in the U.S. or Canada might be recommended. However, with so many direct flights to Mexico now, this destination would be nice also (during the right time of the pregnancy and not during the hot summer). I would probably look at California. There are spas out west that are good for couples and especially pregnant women.” 

Other great babymoon options, remarked Turner, include Amelia Island, Savannah, New Orleans, Toronto, Vancouver, Boston, Newport Beach and New Hampshire. 

When planning your trip, just keep a few things in mind: 

  • Check with your doctor about any travel restrictions before hitting the road. And be sure to have emergency phone numbers programmed into your cell phone.
  • Pick the right time for travel. Many moms suffer from nausea and exhaustion during their first trimester; the third trimester has its own issues, including possible flight restrictions from the airlines. All moms I talked to, myself included, traveled during their second trimester with few problems.
  • Know your body. In Florida, we took an evening cruise trip on a small casino boat. Big, big mistake. Usually I never have seasickness, but I spent the evening curled up on a lounge seat and trying not to hurl. However, Turner noted, cruise ships, such as Royal Caribbean’s Oasis of the Seas, are large enough that seasickness is rarely an issue.

Take it from me – once your little one makes his or her arrival, those weekend trips become as rare as a good night’s sleep. Contact a travel agent and start planning that romantic babymoon today!

And just out of curiosity, if you took a babymoon, where did you go? And what places would you recommend for parents-to-be?

By Nicole Plegge, Lifestyle Blogger for SmartParenting

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Metro East mom Nicole Plegge has written for STL Parent for more than 12 years. Besides working as a freelance writer & public relations specialist, and raising two daughters and a husband, Nicole's greatest achievements are finding her misplaced car keys each day and managing to leave the house in a stain-free shirt. Her biggest regret is never being accepted to the Eastland School for Girls. Follow Nicole on Twitter @STLWriterinIL 

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