Bring your family to free Makerspace Sundays at Craft Alliance and experience the 3D Makerbot printers, Liquid 3D printer, 3D scanner, CNC Router and CAD software in the Boeing Graphics Studio.
An instructor will be on hand to help you explore the programs, the 3D printer, laser cutter and other digital technology.
Sessions are free and they fill up fast. Registration is required by the Thursday prior to class. Held on Sundays through May 15 (no class March 27).
1-4 p.m. at Craft Alliance in Grand Center.
More information: craftalliance.org
Visit the James S. McDonnell Planetarium in Forest Park and see a star show to experience the largest artificial sky in the Western Hemisphere. Star shows are lead LIVE by one of the Planetarium's educators, creating a new and tailored experience for every audience.
Young visitors and their families are invited to the Life Science Lab Classroom at the Saint Louis Science Center to enjoy interactive read-alouds of science-themed picture books. Story times are followed by a short demonstration or discussion connected to the book's main concepts.
Sensory Friendly Science Time features reduced noise, modified lighting and sensory-friendly demonstrations at the Saint Louis Science Center.
At this free art program for ages 3-6 the focus is on the process of making art rather than the finished product. Dress to get messy!