The Little Things That Make Life Easier
Nicole Plegge on
Sun, 02/14/2010 - 5:06pm

You know those articles. The ones that spotlight products that makes a mom’s life easier, like $800 diaper bags and $2,500 strollers.
Mommy don’t play that.
Mommy’s on a budget and knows that many of her mommy friends are as well.
So I decided to ask a few moms about relatively affordable items they just can’t live without, whether it’s something that makes juggling the schedules of three kids easier or something to take the edge off after a day of deadlines and Dora.
Here are just a few of the things I need to survive:
- – I’m a coupon clipper. Unfortunately, I’m not a coupon organizer. RetailMeNot makes it easy. Now, before I go shopping, whether online or off, I check out the site for immediate discounts on oil changes, baby supplies, anything! I even use it for work to save on supplies and printing. You’re welcome, work!
Pandora – Now I like St. Louis radio, especially talk radio on my long commute, but when I have a craving for a particular artist or genre, Pandora is my friend. I can pretend I’m still on top of the latest music while I’m changing diapers and cleaning up baby puke.
The Piggy Story’s ArtFolio – The best money I’ve spent on a “toy.” The ArtFolio features 12 crayons and a coloring pad in a stow-and-go Velcro and fabric pouch - ideal to calm a toddler on the brink from descending into temper tantrum madness. Best of all, the crayons stay perfectly organized, and I can throw the folio in my purse.
Some other moms had great ideas as well. For my tech-savvy friends, the right technology keeps them organized and able to multi-task. Leanne and Cassie, for instance, swear by the Google Calendar. Said Cassie, “I have about six Google Calendars synced to my iPhone that allow me to keep track of my work, the family schedule, my senior colleague’s appointments, our wedding schedule, and one other vendor who uses our office space for meetings.”
Natalie remarked, “Definitely TiVo (I concur – what evil person put Glee on at the same time as Modern Family?) and iPod Touch. I use my iPod touch to check emails and can use Skype on it while working out.”
Erica is a fan of the Fisher-Price Healthy Care Booster Seat. “This seat rocks! It has an adjustable height and a tray that cleans up super easy. My son loves sitting there too. And it doubles as a safe place to put him so I can take a shower. I just bring the kitchen chair into the bathroom and either give him some puffs or a few toys. Then we play peek-a-boo.”
So my question is to you – as a mom, what is something you can’t live without? A great pair of heels that are as comfortable as tennis shoes? An awesome foundation that masks a sleepless night due to Junior’s teething? Or even just a great bottle of wine that doesn’t break the bank? Let me know! I’m always looking for great ideas from other moms!
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by Nicole Plegge, writer for STL Parent
Metro East mom Nicole Plegge has written for STL Parent for more than 12 years. Besides working as a freelance writer & public relations specialist, and raising two daughters and a husband, Nicole's greatest achievements are finding her misplaced car keys each day and managing to leave the house in a stain-free shirt. Her biggest regret is never being accepted to the Eastland School for Girls. Follow Nicole on Twitter @STLWriterinIL