If You Allow TV Time, This Show Seems OK

Two weeks ago, I wrote about the current challenge in our household regarding limiting television time with our 2-year-old. This challenge persists, and its origin can firmly be pointed directly at Yo Gabba! Gabba! But we do like and approve of this show.

No, we are not weird; it really is a positive and useful program, in our view. If you poke around the Web, there are a few people saying it is an awful show, or even has evil tones and messages. That’s silly business. Most of the feedback is level-headed and very positive, such as this article.

Regardless, the less TV the better is the primary message from educated professionals, and I have no argument against that. Because that is true.

When we initially discovered a show that actually caught our little girl’s attention, it was kind of a relief. In times of illness, restlessness or despair, we all have those moments where all we desire is relief. We want our baby to be comforted, we want to have a few moments of peace and just want to collect ourselves.

At around 11 months of age, our little girl was sick for an extended period of time, complete with sleeplessness, fatigue and everything else that comes with a flu/cold condition. Like we usually do, we took turns staying up with her, trying to comfort her and get through these tough days and nights.

Besides when she would actually sleep for a couple of hours here and there, the only times she seemed like herself was when she was distracted. Maybe the cats were being funny, or she was into the stories we were reading to her, but there were moments when she was fine – but these were short-lived. We all know how being sick is; you finally move around a little and engage in some activity, then all of a sudden a wave of sickness envelops your spirit and you go back to feeling despondent.

We tried, as tends to happen in those desperate late-night hours, to see if she would just watch TV for a bit. Maybe Blue’s Clues, Sesame Street, Dora, Smurfs, Jack’s Big Music Show - even animal shows – could enable some fleeting moments of relief. Then it happened! She watched that crazy DJ Lance Rock with his wacky, magic portable radio box and was instantly attracted. She loved the music, characters, colors, interactivity and combination of silliness and learning.

So, over the course of the past year DJ Lance Rock, Muno, Foofa, Brobee, Toodie and Plex have been integral parts of our lives. Sure, a few of the other shows have caught on, but not like this one. The fact that it is a really good show (in my opinion) and always fun to watch makes it very tolerable for my wife and I. We even went with a YGG theme for her second birthday party, complete with Brobee party hats, a YGG cake and YGG coloring books and balloons.

As for these individual characters, they are each likeable. Maybe the show can be a little too stimulating, but  it is hard to find negatives.

I feel strongly that this show is at the top of children’s programs; its unique nature certainly is not debatable! The show’s emphasis on music, physical activity, sensitivity to others, family, good habits and learning is refreshing. It’s not perfect, but is very different than anything else in its genre.

The struggle to limit TV time remains, though. Our daughter’s acute awareness of this show is becoming stronger, as she no longer asks just to watch it, but is asking for specific episodes. We don’t allow her to view commercials or any random TV, so she only sees television in 20-minute DVR segments. If we put on an episode she does not want to see, she will fuss. It’s a reminder maybe we’re doing the wrong thing at times to try and make things easy.

That’s when we say, OK, let’s just do something else and we’ll go outside or do an art project. DJ Lance and his crew can always wait for next time.

By Brian Doolittle, Lifestyle Blogger for SmartParenting

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