You and your little princess or prince charming are invited to the Foundry Art Centre in St. Charles for a magical day of music, dancing, art activities and photos. You'll be treated to kid-friendly hors d'oeuvres and desert too.
Tickets are $25 per couple or $10 for an individual. Discounts for members. 1-3 p.m.
More information and tickets: foundryartcentre.org
Lewis and Clark Heritage Days commemorates the 206th Anniversary of the Lewis & Clark Rendezvous in Historic St. Charles.
The festival includes an authentic reenactment of Lewis & Clark's encampment in 1804 prior to embarking on the exploration of the Louisiana Purchase, a grand parade, period music and Colonial Ball, children's games, weapons demonstrations, boat replicas, museum tours, a candlelight camp tour and more.
Beavers are always busy, it seems. They are very industrious and seem to never stop cutting down trees and building all kinds of neat stuff. Beavers are by far the largest rodents in North America, and a main reason that St. Louis was established here 250 years ago.
Kids ages 6-12 can learn more about the beaver, conservation efforts for them and why they are thriving in Missouri.
9:30-11 a.m. Free, but reservations are required.
At August A. Busch Memorial Conservation Area.
Visit the James S. McDonnell Planetarium in Forest Park and see a star show to experience the largest artificial sky in the Western Hemisphere. Star shows are lead LIVE by one of the Planetarium's educators, creating a new and tailored experience for every audience.
Stop in and have some fun in the indoor pool at the Lodge of Des Peres with your little one at this drop-in swim time for kids up to age 6. No pre-registration is needed; Water Waddlers is open to residents and non-residents of Des Peres.
The Saint Louis Science Center has expanded its Preschool Science Series to include new offerings for different age groups of young scientists. Storybook STEM is for ages 3 to 5.
LEGO Club at the St. Louis County Library is a free opportunity for kids to gather and have fun building with LEGO bricks. LEGOs are provided.
Explore the Saint Louis Zoo in the evenings at the Chinese lantern festival Animals Aglow! Animals Aglow returns to illuminate the Saint Louis Zoo for the second year with dozens of new, towering lanterns and light displays.