High Schoolers

African Film Festival Youth Matinee

Experience South Africa during the 10th annual Washington University African Film Festival Matinee. Films include The Case of the Disappearing Daddy, Kanyekanye, and Khumba.

In The Case of the Disappearing Daddy (4 minutes), little Amy turns the case over to super sleuth A. Stemmet when daddy goes missing during bath time.

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Afflicted: Daughters of Salem

Meet the Mean Girls of Salem . . . Deep in the dark woods of Puritan New England, a clique of teenage girls make decisions that result in 20 executions, making them the most hated girls in history. Metro Theater Company and the Missouri History Museum present Afflicted: Daughters of Salem, a play inspired by the girls who forever established the legacy of Salem.

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Engineering Career Day

As part of National Engineers' Week, the Saint Louis Science Center is hosting Engineering Career Day. Teens, children and their families can check our formula racing cars, local robotics creations and other exciting hands-on activities and demonstrations from local engineering companies, colleges and organizations.

Free. More information: slsc.org


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Jr. Audubon: Owls

Who hoots this time of year? Kids and teens ages 7 to 14 will learn about Missouri's owls, learn to hoot like an owl and dissect owl pellets in this joint program sponsored by the St. Louis Jr. Audubon Society and the Missouri Department of Conservation.

10 a.m. Free. 

At Powder Valley Conservation Nature Center in Kirkwood, near the intersection of I-44 and I-270. Call 314-301-1500 for reservations.


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Was That a Mountain Lion?

Tracks in the snow, hair on a fence, loud cries in the night. Could it be a mountain lion? The mountain lion and other large carnivores once served as nature's check on deer and other prey species. Today, humans control the deer herd, so the natural role of this big cat is gone. There aren't many animals that receive more interest in Missouri than mountain lions. 

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Ferguson 4th of July Festival

The 4th of July Festival kicks off at 10 a.m. with a parade. The Family Fun Zone, which features games, crafts, a balloon artist, petting zoo, and more, is open from noon to 7 p.m. There will also be food vendors and live entertainment. The fireworks show kicks off at dusk.

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Things to Do

Water Waddlers Indoor Drop-In Swim

Stop in and have some fun in the indoor pool at the Lodge of Des Peres with your little one at this drop-in swim time for kids up to age 6. No pre-registration is needed; Water Waddlers is open to residents and non-residents of Des Peres.

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Animals Aglow at the Saint Louis Zoo
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Friday, March 14, 2025

Explore the Saint Louis Zoo in the evenings at the Chinese lantern festival Animals Aglow! Animals Aglow returns to illuminate the Saint Louis Zoo for the second year with dozens of new, towering lanterns and light displays. 

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